Faculty Board
The Faculty Board is the most important decision-making body of the Faculty. In addition to the Dean, its members are the Heads of the Departments, the Supervisors of the Academic Programs, the elected representative of the tutors, the representative of the union and the student representatives. Moreover, the Rector, the President, the Deans of the University Faculties, the Head of the Educational Management and the Deputy Deans are invited in consultative capacity.
Its main tasks are to discuss matters concerning the Faculty, to deal with educational issues and organisation of education, to coordinate the Faculty's R&D activities, and to screen and prepare proposals for the Senate meetings.
Full members of the Faculty Board:
Prof. Dr. Zoltán Horváth, Dean, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences, Supervisor of the Computer Science MSc Program
Dr. Áron Ballagi, Head of the Department of Automation and Mechatronics, Supervisor of the Mechatronics Engineering Program
Dr. Tibor Balogh, Head of the Department of Machine Design
Dr. Gábor Borbély, Head of the Department of Telecommunications
Dr. Miklós Berta, Head of the Department of Physics and Chemistry
Dr. Katalin Kovács, Head of the Department of Informatics, Supervisor of the Computer Science Engineering Program
Dr. Balázs Pere, Head of the Department of Applied Mechanics
Dr. Ferenc Erdős, Supervisor of the Business Informatics Program
Dr. Máté Antali, Supervisor of the Mechanical Engineering BSc Program
Prof. Dr. Ibolya Zsoldos, Supervisor of the Mechanical Engineering MSc Program
Prof. Dr. Ottó Dóka, Supervisor of the Teacher of Engineering Program
Dr. Ferenc Lilik, Supervisor of the Electrical Engineering Program
Dr. Imre Tibor Tolner, elected representative of the tutors
Gábor Takács, representative of the union
Ticz Péter, Bolla Dániel, Györgyi Mátyás János, Schmidt Zombor, Németh Richárd, student representatives
Members in consultative capacity:
Dr. Bálint Filep, President
Prof. Dr. Ferenc Friedler, Rector
Prof. Dr. Gábor Dogossy, Deand of the Audi Hungaria Faculty of Automotive Engineering
Dr. Csaba Hontvári, Dean of the Faculty of Performing Arts
Dr. Attila Pongrácz, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Dr. Sándor Remsei, Dean of the Kautz Gyula Faculty of Business and Economics
Dr. Angéla Somogyi, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Sports Science
Prof. Dr. Péter Smuk, Dean of the Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law
Dr. János Szép, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport Sciences
Dr. Tamás Tóth, Dean of the Albert Kázmér Faculty in Mosonmagyaróvár
Dr. Nikolett Fecser, Deputy Dean for Education