Prof. John Hogan előadása a Széchenyi István Egyetemen



John Hogan, a University of Bristol professzor emeritusa vendégelőadást tart a Széchenyi István Egyetemen 2022. december 9-én
"The Haken-Kelso-Bunz (HKB) model of motor coordination" címmel.



Az előadás helyszíne: 9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1., Új Tudástér, ÚT114

Az előadás időpontja: 2022. 12. 09. 11:00-12:00

Az előadóról:

Prof. Hogan a University of Bristol, Department of Engineering Mathematics munkatársa, a tanszéken belül az Applied Nonlinear Mathematics Group vezetője. Érdeklődési területe az nemlineáris és nemfolytonos dinamika az alkalmazott matematika számos határterületén (mechanika, biológia, geológia).


The nonlinear Haken–Kelso–Bunz (HKB) model of motor coordination is used in an enormous range of applications, with the paper itself receiving over 3000 citations to date. [Haken, Kelso, and Bunz. Biological Cybernetics, 51:347–356, 1985]

In this talk, I will introduce the model, show the importance of normal modes, and how an approximate HKB model depends on only two dimensionless parameters. These results explain and extend recent numerical continuation results. When delays are included in the model, the normal modes behave like delayed D-controllers, where the feedback gain changes the (negative) damping. Results from numerical continuation are shown to agree well with a centre manifold calculation.

Thus the HKB model contains significant biologically relevant behaviour not yet observed in experiments or numerical simulations. This observation has implications for the development of virtual partner interaction and the human dynamic clamp, and potentially for the HKB model itself.

Work with James Cass, Lara Gordon, Tamás Molnár, Zoltán Dombóvári.


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